High QoS Video Network

High QoS Video Network


Interested in incremental and recurring revenues from your existing videoconferencing clients?


Intermedia Communication Solutions are pleased to present  a 30 minute Product Briefing by web conference to introduce video resellers to a novel video network solution.

The network  will be of interest to all resellers who have clients using videoconferencing or video streaming and who currently use ISDN to carry the data.  

Target end-clients fall into three broad categories.

1.   Those who are happy making H.320 calls but dislike the cost and poor  reliability of their        current ISDN solution - you can now help these clients and make money!

2.   Those who want to migrate to H.323 calls but face internal objections or bandwidth/QoS        issues in using the corporate data network - you can now help these clients and make        money!

3.   Those who have already migrated to H.323 and are suffering poor video QoS  due to         contending data traffic issues - you can now help these clients and make money!

Example: A  videoconferencing client makes 384kbps video calls  to the USA with a utilisation pattern of just 10%.  You could help them save over £22,000 per annum and make a useful margin on recurring revenue.


Join us on the Web Conference


This is one of a series of short Product Briefings designed for busy resellers.  30 minutes or less of presentation will give you an overview of the network and how you can resell it into your existing video client base.  After that there will be time for questions and answers and, if you are interested, we will follow up with one-to-one discussions.

Venue:        On the Internet - we will send you log on details if you click

Date:           Tuesday 7th October, 2003

Time:          10.00 a.m. UK (BST)

What will I need?:  A telephone and a PC with Internet access.


Interested? - Click Now


We look forward to meeting you in the conference



The Intermedia Sales and Management Team

"Serving the Video Communications Industry"

 Sales Support

+44 1983 754 609


 Intermedia Product Briefing Bulletin pb001

23 Sept 2003

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