Our Terms & Conditions Online orders Products placed on our website accompanied by a purchase mechanism such as a "buy now" or "add to basket" button are offered for sale. Any payment acknowledgements that you may receive from our payment processor should not be deemed an acceptance of your offer to purchase by us. Your order is accepted by us and a contract made only after you have received our order acknowledgement or our notification of shipping notice which will be sent by email only. Order Process and Shipping You will receive an email payment confirmation from our payment processor usually within a few minutes of payment. We will send you an acknowledgement of your order and a VAT invoice by email usually within one working day. We will send you shipping advice when we ship and give you a delivery estimate.
Cancellation, Returns & Refunds Cancellation You may cancel your order at any time before shipment. However, as we ship most orders on the same or next working day, in practice, this means that during the working week, you will need to request cancellation within three hours of placing your order. 30-day Money-Back Guarantee You may return your purchase within 30 days of the shipment date if, for any reason, you are dissatisfied with the product. We will accept the return of the item for a full refund (excluding postage and packing) provided that the item is undamaged returned in the original packaging with all included items well packed for posting We reserve the right to make part or no refund if any of these conditions are not met. You are responsible for the return shipping costs. As we are not liable for returns in transit, it is highly recommended that products be shipped via an insured shipping method. Refunds will only be made to the PayPal or credit card account used for the purchase. Warranty Policy The products carry a 1 year manufacturer's warranty as standard. In the unlikely event that the item develops a fault due to a failed component or poor workmanship, it may be returned to us for repair or replacement. You will be responsible for the return shipping costs. As we are not liable for returns in transit, it is highly recommended that products be shipped via an insured shipping method. We will pay shipping costs for the return of the repaired or replaced item. Returns Procedure If you wish to return a product to us for any reason, you should contact us for a Returned Materials Authorisation (RMA) form at [email protected] or call +44 (0)845 828 1342. We reserve the right not to repair, replace or refund goods that do not include a properly completed RMA form. Refunds In the event of a refund becoming due, we will endeavour to make the refund within three working days. Trade Marks and Copyrights All Trademarks and Copyrights are recognised. If you are the copyright owner and we have failed to credit you or you are unhappy with our use of your copyright then please contact us and we will make amends immediately. Web site Terms of Use All pages on this site and contents therein, including text, images, design and HTML formatting are copyright Roxleigh Ltd or are used with the permission of the relevant copyright holder. All rights are reserved. Any unauthorised copying or usage will constitute an infringement of copyright. In particular, unauthorised use for commercial purposes is strictly prohibited and may result in us initiating proceedings for the maximum damages allowed under law, including our loss of goodwill and our legal costs. Our standard licensing fees are £500 per instance of use of online material. Statutory Rights Your statutory rights are not affected by any of the above.
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