What is it; how is it used; what are the benefits?
"Meetings at a distance without the need to travel"
Some companies use videoconferencing in an ad-hoc, spontaneous way but, generally, we're talking about small to large groups of participants in more-or-less formal meetings that have probably been arranged at least a few days in advance.
Businesses see a videoconference as an alternative to a face-to-face meeting where participants would otherwise have to travel possibly long distances.
The benefits that users have regularly identified include:
Improved productivity for those who engage in videoconferencing.
Faster/better decision-making.
Tighter management of geographically-dispersed projects.
Faster time-to-market.
Reduced travel costs.
Faster international expansion.
Reduced opportunity costs of executives away from their desks.
Improved quality-of-life through less travel.
Is it easy to implement?
Yes. You could be up and running within a few weeks of making the procurement decision.
Is it easy to implement effectively?
Not always; not the first time. The technology is pretty mature and the major manufacturers all deliver robust products with reasonably easy-to-use user interfaces.
The problems that new adopters experience are often management issues or difficulties with the network.
Desktop Videoconferencing:
One element of an integrated, rich-media platform which will deliver a natural, collaborative environment to the desktop
Videoconferencing as a stand-alone desktop facility has been available in one form or another for over ten years but it has not been a great success because it was neither one thing nor another. As a meeting tool, it was in the wrong place (i.e., an open office) and it did not deliver the quality. As an element in a collaborative toolset, it lacked the rest of the toolset.
However, there is no doubt that desktop is the future of videoconferencing with every desk capable of rich media collaboration using a number of tools which allow media escalation according to the task; tools like presence notification, instant messaging, voice-over IP, document and application sharing and video.

Can we help you?
You're thinking of using videoconferencing for the first time.
You use videoconferencing and you've proven the business case but you're ready to go to the next stage.
You are seasoned users of videoconferencing but you are looking at the management options.
You are looking at converging your networks and need to understand the options/requirements for video
Desktop Videoconferencing

Desktop Videophone

Managed International ISDN Video Calls
Operator connected and monitored point-to-point or multipoint videoconference calls deliver highly positive user experience and lower management costs
Low-cost, high-reliability ISDN Video Connectivity
Tier-1 telco access to the public International ISDN network providing clean and extremely reliable connection at highly competitive rates. Please ask us to quote for your popular routes.
MPLS Network Services
An MPLS overlay network is the perfect IP transport platform for videoconferencing. Easily cost-justified purely on the savings achieved by moving video off ISDN, our partners' MPLS networks deliver unequalled quality-of-service (QoS), an industry- leading service level agreement (SLA) and guaranteed video metrics.
Colocation Services
If you are running your own videoconference bridge and/or gateways on your own premises (or thinking about it), think again!
The most efficient location for bandwidth-hungry network infrastructure is colocated alongside the network itself.
Our colocation facilities provide access to all the world's major networks including Tier-1 ISDN services. We can supply, install, configure, monitor, maintain and manage your video bridging equipment bringing big savings in network connectivity and reductions in your own technical management costs.
Network Peering
If you are facing the challenge of peering networks from different providers, we can help. We can peer most of the major network providers worldwide while maintaining QoS. With facilities in North America, Europe and the Far East, there are very few places we cannot reach, very few networks we cannot breach!
Call us for more details
UK: 01992 878312
International: +44 1992 878312