Intermedia Communication Solutions

VoIP Skype phone Messenger no headset conference conferencing

VoIP Conferencing


VBrick EtherneTV - Video Streaming, Video-on-Demand (VoD), Video-over-IP

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Intermedia offers solutions in videoconferencing, video on demand (VoD), video streaming, web conferencing and user training.  We can  cut your video ISDN costs by up to 50% and provide reliable, low-cost  video-over-ip and video-over MPLS network services.


Marratech web conferencing, web conference, desk-top video, data conferencing, webex, raindance, marratech

Web Conferencing


video conferencing solutions, video conference equipment, video meetings, teleconferencing, telemedicine



video-on-demand, VoD, video streaming, education, digital asset management, content management


 on demand video streaming, video-on-demand, streaming video, video-over-LAN, video-over-IP, e-learning

Video Streaming




Videoconference Training, End-User Training, Administrator Training, Technical Training, Videoconferencing Consultancy

Videoconferencing Training & Consultancy



Q. How do I achieve reliable videoconferencing using H.323 without crashing my data network?

Q. How can I reduce my video ISDN costs by up to 50%?

A . Click Here

video-over-IP, video-over-MPLS, save ISDN costs, high QoS, video VPN



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videoconferencing ¦ video streaming ¦ video over ip ¦ video over MPLS ¦ VoIP Skype conferencing

Skype speakerphone ¦ video capture ¦ web conferencing ¦ video conferencing and consultancy ¦ ¦ telehealth

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