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Intelligent Zoom for PanaCast 2

The PanaCast 2 180° 4K camera now has Intelligent Zoom (IZ) to ensure that all participants can be seen in the room, especially small or “Huddle Rooms” where standard cameras often limit the field of view.
IZ works automatically and unobtrusively in the background allowing the meeting participants to focus on their meeting, not the technology.

PanaCast 360° Automotive Demo 4K

Putting two PanaCast 2 cameras on a vehicle, one facing forwards and one to the rear, you can create a live, 4K (UHD), 360° video stream for recording and/or live transmission.

Panoramic 4K Video with Natural Viewing in Mind

180° panoramic camera for small video meeting rooms and classrooms keeps everyone in the picture.
Intelligent Zoom ensures the transmitted image is always appropriately framed for the number of participants in the room.

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The PanaCast Difference.

Adding Collaboration to the Huddle Room by Wainhouse Research.

Understanding user needs and IT requirements for small enterprise meeting spaces.

This is a time of significant change in the conferencing, collaboration and the audio-visual world. Wainhouse Research (WR) has identified three of the key drivers behind these changes in how people meet and work together:

– People
– Business Environment
– Technology Advancements and Dependency

Unfortunately, the audio-visual estates within most organisations were designed to address the scheduled, formal, structured meeting requirements of yesterday.

To address today’s needs, many organisations are looking to their smaller meeting rooms, which Wainhouse Research refers to as “huddle rooms.”

This study, sponsored by cloud conferencing provider Zoom, provides information and insight into the functionality, IT, and user requirements for collaboration-enabling small meeting rooms.

PanaCast ICS Promo

The PanaCast 2 4K 180° panoramic camera for Huddle Rooms.

"More than 1000 organisations in 36 countries are using PanaCast 2 daily to improve their communication and productivity.

Over 130 universities are now adopting the PanaCast 2 for lecture capture and huddle room deployments."

What our clients say!

  • “(PanaCast 2) is a very different form factor than the usual 1080p camera that we are using elsewhere in the lab. You can see it has no seams and it’s a very good picture quality.”

    ScobleFuturist / Rackspace

  • “PanaCast…actually seems like something that would be both fun and exceedingly useful.”

    SeoWriter / TechCrunch

  • “The actual image captured by the camera when we tried it in a lecture theatre (300+ seat) was perfect. Every seat in the frame, handled the lighting conditions well, good focus, seamlessly stitched. Very impressed.”

    Geoff Lambert
    Sr. Project Manager of IT & Digital Services / University of Western Sydney

  • “… a great improvement over standard video chat experiences.” Read article

    Michael Gorman
    Editor-in-Chief / Engadget

  • “The panoramic view allowed me to see all five remote participants at the same time, and the 4k resolution provided great visual detail – allowing me to feel ‘connected’ to everyone in the meeting.”

    What Ira M. Weinstein thinks about the PanaCast 2
    Senior Analyst & Partner / Wainhouse Research

  • “We chose the PanaCast 2 video camera because it gives an immersive sense of participation to remote meeting participants. With PanaCast 2, there is no need to squeeze together to get into the scene or waste time panning and zooming like with a typical conference room camera.”

    Jolean De KortJolean De Kort
    Director Employee Technology / GoDaddy

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